Starting fresh

Jan 3, 2023

by Marie-Michelle Dupuis

Alright we know it, we won't reinvent New Year's Day and its famous resolutions. We are just going to suggest that you choose them carefully.

Over the past few years, between being an entrepreneur and a mother, I have gained a lot of organizational experience for both my time and my space. It's a work-in-progress and I sincerely believe that a healthy management of all of this can allow us to avoid many daily frustrations.

Here are my absolute must-haves; 

A paper planner

Yes I know, you have a cellphone, a smart watch, a laptop, an apple tv and your google home can even tell you jokes. A virtual planner (google calendar, iCal, etc.) is super practical. It is easy to share, it is synchronized with your devices, and all that jazz. But there is nothing like a good old dated/lined/divided paper planner with checkboxes where you can jot down your ideas next to your important appointments. My favorites ones are Sugar Paper, Rifle Paper and Russell+Hazel and I recently discovered Saint Belford which I have chosen for 2023. I absolutely can't wait to use it!

A storage system

If there's one thing I've invested in since I became an adult (am I? really?), it's a good storage system. From the perfect pencil holder to the cauldron lid organizer, there is no small frustration that survives in the face of my organizational solutions. I'm even considering changing my name to Marie-Michelle Kondo.

Drawer dividers, filing cabinets, magazine racks and labeled toy bins. I go all out. All that's left is to teach the kids how to use them (a girl can dream!). Recently, I've been crushing on our collapsible storage bins. In addition to being very practical, they come in the cutest colors and it makes me want to use them everywhere!


A realistic schedule that includes "me-time"

The last but certainly not the least. These days, it's easy to jam pack your schedule. Between work, the zoom meetings, the board meetings, the daycare trips, the little one's hockey, the little one's gymnastics, the parents' meetings, the dentist, the financial adviser, the neighborhood party and all the other obligations you have created for yourself.

But, when do you make time for YOU? I'm talking about time to do something just for you. Your weekly yoga session. Your cooking class or Portuguese lesson. Your Thursday night beauty ritual. Your mani/pedi with friends. All this, you see, you have to write in your planner. Because it's too easy to forget about yourself. Because you need to make time for YOU and to pamper yourself.

You deserve it.

On that note, happy new year :)


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