But..who’s Roxane?

Jun 28, 2021

by Marie-Michelle Dupuis

If you're a fine detective and you've been around here recently, you've probably noticed that a certain Roxane signs most (okay, all but this one!) of the articles in the Journal section. But who is she? Where does she come from? She seems pretty nice, can I be her friend? Is she single?

First of all, Roxane is a great friend. A PRETTY GREAT friend. I'll spare you the details of our meeting (it's too glamorous!), but between her and I, it was love at first sight. (for you too, right Rox?). In 10 years, we have come a long way. It must be said that Roxane has now lived in Halifax for several years and it’s not exactly next door. We literally also have to come a long way to see each other.

Between her yoga classes, pilates, and kettlebell sessions (yes, she does all of that!), you might catch her cuddling her dog Bruce, the cutest French bulldog. It's pretty much her favorite activity. Totally understandable! Netflix & cuddles is basically her motto.

A young woman with a sharp sense of humor, she is always on the lookout for the latest tv shows to watch, the latest kind of Starbucks drink to taste, the next summer hit to listen to and the comfiest model of yoga pants to wear. True story.

You (hopefully!) now understand why she is the perfect person to inform you about the latest self-care trends. Mud mask, bath tea, sacred rituals, gravel scrub? She is fearless! Being of a curious nature herself, she will know how to fill the journal with everything you want to know. Please do not hesitate to send her an email at roxane@flambette.com for any questions or topic ideas!

And no.. she is not single!

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