Self Care 101

Jun 17, 2021

by Roxane Gagnon

For many, covid = working from home = getting sick of being at home. Self care is not applying a face mask once in a while. For me, self care is a daily practice.

As Mac Miller perfecly said: self care, I'm treatin' me right. So I decided to share some ideas with you to take care of your body&mind, so you can be comfortable at home and manage to separate your professional life from your personal life.


Que ce soit une pièce au complet ou un bureau dans un coin de votre salon, avoir un espace 100% pour travailler à fait une grosse différence pour moi. Lorsque j’y suis, I mean business. Ça m’aide à faire la part des choses.

2- MOVE!

Yoga on your lunch break? (Yoga Stephie wink wink) Get up extra early to work out before you start work? (that's what I do most of the time, but just writing it hurts my heart a little) or even a walk at the end of the day, I swear it feels good! No matter what you decide, moving once a day feels so good to my cluttered little brain. For my part, I find it beneficial to alternate the way I move. Yoga on Sunday, Pilates on Monday, kettlebells on Wednesday, etc. It keeps me from falling into a routine and giving up on physical exercise.


I spend a lot of time with my boyfriend and sometimes, let’s just say that I want to send him to play PS5. During this time, I suggest taking… A BATH. So predictable! Obviously, it is preferable to be accompanied by your favorite Flambette products; bath milk, candle, scrunchie to tie up your hair, yaaasssss. Listen to one of your favorite Schitt's Creek episodes or read poems by your current favorite author. Pure relaxation. (Until you hear your boyfriend swearing after his video games…)

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