Let’s introduce ourselves!

May 20, 2021

by Flambette

You know us without knowing us. You fall in love with our products without knowing how much love we put into creating them. You secretly spray your bras with our number eight room spray despite being slightly worried of damaging its delicate lace.

Because we want to share all of this (and more!) with you, we have decided to create a journal (okay, a blog) where you will find advice, information and hopefully, answers to some of your questions. Maybe you’ll even get my mother-in-law’s fruitcake recipe. Or maybe I’ll just keep it to myself…

First things first, we figured that it would make sense to start by introducing ourselves. Behind all these pretty products, there is also two friends and associates who work and dream every day to make this company shine. Since describing ourselves is far from being our strong suit (and also because we have way too many candles to make!), we asked our charming friend Roxane, new editor here, to describe us in a few words.

– Marie


If you said Carmen Sandiego, you are WRONG! (phew, now everyone knows I’m in my thirties.)

Flambette was founded by two perfectly splendid friends, Marie-Michelle and Tania.

Tania is most likely the sweetest person ever. I can’t confirm 100% myself, but a close friend of hers told me that she even has the silkiest skin (probably because of the Flambette bath soak…) Tania has a 6th sense, a sense of the beautiful. I would like to tell you that my aesthetic is as nice as hers, but it’s just impossible! She is class embodied, even when she wears an old, ripped Nirvana t-shirt. When she starts a project, she is fully invested in it, whether it is floral arrangements, (she is a florist by trade, for those who haven’t read our About section!) a new product for Flambette or a cuddle sesh with her very adorable German Shepherd. (His name is Blake, in case you were curious).

Behind the scenes, she’s the one who takes care of production and makes sure everything runs smoothly. Behind her screen, she is often the one who answers your questions and provides impeccable customer service. Many people testify to this. She is also the one who plays our Celine Dion playlist through the roof. But that’s a story for another time…

Marie-Michelle… have you ever had a friend who is so talented that you kinda hate her with jealousy, but she is so kind and basically the best friend in the universe so you just love her with all your heart? Marie is that friend.

Graphic designer by trade, she is filled with ideas and always has a million projects on the go. Whether it’s development for Flambette, creating branding for a new restaurant, decorating her baby boy’s bedroom (Lenny!), or her famous annual musical compilation. Even though she’s super busy, she still manages to be a present friend and a fabulous mom, step-mom and dog-mom. It was her Pomeranian who confirmed all of that to me. (Her name is Terreur, again, in case you were curious).

Marie takes care of everything that is design and research within Flambette. From the choice of containers to the font used, including the type of paper, nothing is random. She also takes care of photographing the products and putting them online! (update: she recently hired a photographer and she is OVER THE MOON with how great everything turned out!)

Marie-Michelle and Tania are two pretty great humans and their qualities and values ​​are reflected in Flambette. Together, they make sure that every product that leaves their office lives up to the name and is loaded with love, just like their friendship.

From our journal

Because we want to share what's going on and what keeps us going, the journal might just become your new favorite spot.