Saving never smelled so good

Mar 12, 2024

by Marie-Michelle Dupuis

Those who know me know that I love deals. With this never ending inflation, it might be difficult to treat yourself to a little luxury.

I’ve decided to compile some ways to save on our products so you can indulge without remorse.

Imperfect products

If you love saving as much as you love our planet, you will be happy to take a look at our imperfect section. Scented candles are regularly added, set aside due to their small imperfections. Far from being defective, these high quality soy wax candles just don't have the perfect aesthetic that would allow us to sell them at full price. For example, they might have air bubbles, a slightly off-centered wick or even a small stain on the container. Nothing that can alter their divine scent, we promise!

Recycling program

Speaking of ecology, did you know that we have a used container recycling program? Not only is it good for the planet, but also for your wallet because by returning a used container, you get $2 off your next candle or room spray!


We recently created this section where we offer sets of products, grouped according to themes, for example: bathing or hand care. These sets are inexpensively priced compared to purchasing the products separately. It’s another way to save!

Newsletter and text messages

If you want to be sure not to miss any promotions, I strongly suggest that you subscribe to the flambette newsletter. For even more news and exclusive promotions, our SMS subscription is the place to be! We even have a surprise for you on your birthday. Subscribe right here!

The sales section

Obviously, the sales section is not to be neglected, but we tend to forget it! It brings together all the items that are on sale, such as last season’s limited editions and discontinued items.

Student discount

If you are currently pursuing college or university studies, we also have something for you! Our student discount program entitles you to a 20% discount on all our products for one year! To be eligible, simply complete this form.

And if you've read this entire article, it's probably because you, too, like to save some hard earned cash. To thank you, I'm offering you a code that entitles you to 15% off your next order. Just enter the code ECONOMICAL at checkout. Easy peasy!

Do you know a friend who would like to take advantage of this? Share this article with them, they can save too! 

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